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XXIO 레이디스 프라임 로얄 에디션 세트 > 스포츠·레저

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  • XXIO 레이디스 프라임 로얄 에디션 세트
    XXIO 레이디스 11,616,300
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XXIO 레이디스 프라임 로얄 에디션 세트 > 스포츠·레저

XXIO 레이디스 프라임 로얄 에디션 세트 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
판매가격 11,616,300원
브랜드 XXIO
모델 XXIO 레이디스 프라임 로얄 에디션 세트
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  • XXIO 레이디스 프라임 로얄 에디션 세트


  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명


    XXIO Ladies Prime Royal Edition Set


    • Lighter weight, high MOI driver with ActivWing manipulates airflow to generate lift just before impact, raising your clubhead and tightening your swing pattern for more sweet spot strikes
    • Fairway woods add extreme forgiveness and enlarges the high COR area to produce straighter, more powerful distance, even on off-center shots
    • Hybrid features a Flat Cup Face that expands the highest speed region of the clubface to boost ball speed and distance on off-center hits
    • Progressive Centers of Gravity: lower CG for long irons creates more carry; a higher one for short irons emphasizes control
    • Cart bag to hold all the gear you need on the golf course
    • Stock shaft: XXIO Prime Royal Edition SP-1200KL Graphite
    • Stock grip: XXIO Prime Royal Edition Weight Plus
    • Set composition: Driver, 3 fairway wood, 5 fairway wood, 5 hybrid, 7 iron, 8 iron, 9 iron, pitching wedge, approach wedge, sand wedge, cart bag

    Who It's For

    The XXIO Ladies Prime Royal Edition Set is precisely designed to improve distance and straight ball flight for the seasoned player who seeks luxury performance.

    Lightweight Woods

    The lighter weight driver and fairway woods feature ActivWing, which manipulates airflow to generate lift just before impact, raising your clubhead and tightening your swing pattern for more sweet spot strikes .


    Lighter weight hybrid features a Flat Cup Face that expands the highest speed region of the clubface to boost ball speed and distance on off-center hits.


    Prime 12 irons feature Progressive Centers of Gravity: lower CG for long irons creates more carry; a higher one for short irons emphasizes control.


    상품 정보 고시

    품명 XXIO 레이디스 프라임 로얄 에디션 세트
    모델명 XXIO 레이디스 프라임 로얄 에디션 세트
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  • XXIO 레이디스 프라임 로얄 에디션 세트